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SWEBOK v3 and v4 - Software Requirements

SWEBOK Guide, by its nature, is similar to other Bodies of Knowledge (PMBOK, BABOK, etc.) and stands for the Guide to the Software Engineering Body of Knowledge. It is not a standard but a guide that defines the scope of software engineering as a discipline (that is important to address). It outlines Knowledge Areas described in terms of its component processes, practices, inputs, outputs, tools, and techniques. Those areas are representations of the discipline at a particular moment.

Of course, Software engineering can't ignore such a massive topic as requirements. So it contains a dedicated chapter, or, in SWEBOK terms, knowledge area (KA) "Software Requirements".

I started learning about industry standards and Bodies of Knowledge a few years ago. So I went through SWEBOK Guide v3, published in 2014, to review existing KAs focusing on the "Software Requirements."

The 4th version is in the public review and will replace v3 soon. This article compares the Software Requirements chapter, my domain of interest, between newer and current versions. And there is what to compare. But let's go back to v3.

And there is not much there. The KA heavily relies on an older edition (2nd) of the "Software Requirements" by Karl Wiegers and just a few other well-known sources. And the chapter itself is about 18 pages long. The Guide should not provide extensive information about a particular topic but should give an overview and further references to study.

However, the provided information is insufficient to give an overview of such an essential piece of software engineering. Moreover, it struggles to offer a structured categorization of requirements types and a comprehensive overview of requirements practices.

I am not criticizing; I am expressing my feeling that not enough attention was given to that part of SWEBOK. And written in 2014, it quickly became outdated.

I read it for the first time in 2020, and RUP (Rational Unified Process) has already been dead for a while. I barely heard about practicing RUP in 2014 because Agile methodologies were on the hype train then (and claimed to be dead soon, too). A newer generation of IT folks has no idea what it is.

I could not recommend SWEBOK Guide v3 to start your journey to the requirements engineer or business analysis. Even at the moment of 2014, there were better sources and materials. This KA looks unarticulated compared to the further KAs.

The good news is that v4 has done everything right!

In 2024, I started revisiting the standards BOKs, researching some topics for future articles. For the sake of curiosity, I have looked into a draft version of SWEBOK Guide v4 (2024 Jan 16th Public Review Version). And I am surprised in a good way. The "Software Requirements" KA has been completely rewritten and extended.

I am not going to dive deep into reviewing each point. You can easily read the document and make your conclusion. And we need to consider that it is still not a final version, and some changes are expected. However, I don't expect much will change: IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) folks and KA editors have done a great job.

Let's see what v4 has done right compared to v3:

Entire "Replacing Legacy" series is available on the Blog

For those who are not Medium fans, I've packed the Replacing Legacy series into the long read available on my blog.

There are some slight differences from the original: some passages have been edited, and others have been removed. Text is now more straightforward, but there are still a lot of places for improvement.

Now everything is in one place. I hope you enjoy reading.

And a few more updates:

-> I keep experimenting with formats and media platforms. Now, I will no longer publish unique content on one platform, like I did with the above-mentioned series on Medium.

I will simultaneously post on Medium and my blog. On LinkedIn, I publish a link to the blog with a short summary. So there will be a choice of where to read. And I will not spend time again migrating content from one place to another.

I am unsure about maintaining LinkedIn Articles, as last year's experience was not the best. The traction was minimal compared to a usual post.

My New Medium Article for the Analyst's corner

I wanted to conclude the Replacing Legacy series with something less practical and more philosophical. Here are my thoughts on why we are at this point of rapid and sometimes senseless replacement or modernization. And what does the future bring us in the face of AI?

I did some research for the AI part and felt a lack of knowledge to read scientific papers. Like one about the CARGO algorithm, I mentioned in the article. I really tried, but I cannot fully understand the details. That is a considerable gap to be addressed.

I recently bought a course about Product Management in AI, but I am unsure how technical it is. I still don't know how to embed that course into my schedule.

Here is the entire series at the moment:

BArszawa Blog - January’24 Edition

In 2023, I became a part of the fantastic local community of business analysts, product owners, and product managers who recently relocated to Warsaw. I soon joined the OrgTeam, and we made about a dozen meetups and coffee talks last year. In 2024, we started expanding our media presence, so now we have a blog with the first post available!

Thoughts about "Building Products for the Enterprise: Product Management in Enterprise Software" by Blair Reeves and Benjamin Gaines

After a long break, I return to book reviews in the form of an internal dialog. That time it is one of the most valuable books I have read about Product management: "Building Products for the Enterprise: Product Management in Enterprise Software" by Blair Reeves and Benjamin Gaines.

Book cover

OK. I am glad you are finally talking about this book. It is an obvious question, but I must ask it. What this book is about?

The title is self-explanatory enough: the book is about being a Product Manager (PM) in a B2B Enterprise organization.

Sounds fair. What is so unique about working in the Enterprise compared to other PMs?

First, let's agree that Product management is a vast discipline. Every organization looks at it from a different angle. So, a PM's responsibilities and role definition might vary for similar products but from other businesses in the same market.

Enterprise PM differs from a startup PM in that the first needs to survive in a complex hierarchy, build relationships, and comply with an Enterprise's restrictions. Also, it depends on whether it is B2B, B2C, B2G, B2B2B, etc. That impacts a lot on how products are developed and sold.

I will paraphrase the book to not expand on this topic further. What makes PM in the Enterprise different:

  • business model: usually direct sales or subscription
  • specialization: very specialized products
  • the split between customers and users

My New Medium Article for the Analyst's corner

That piece was quite difficult to write. I started it as a more personal story of overcoming burden of moving and adapting business logic from one system to another. I spent multiple days trying to shape and structure but every time that ended up as a whinning on the past experience with no particular clue.

So, I decided to follow the formal approach of listing some general difficulties and humble options how to resolve them. If they can be resolved at all.

Next time I will try not to overthink for 3 months in a row.

My Learning Path Toward API

Before 2020, I dealt with API as a Consumer with intergration purposes, using only such tools as Swagger UI, Postman, and Insomnia. Since 2020, I have changed my side. And not as an API Producer but one who gives the Producers tools to build APIs. It's about the API Platform.

So, back then, I started my journey to learn more about API and Platform design. And it is far from being over. I can say that I know more than an average person with business analysis background about that topic. But I can't call myself an expert anyway.

During the recent webinars, there was a question about what I can suggest to learn about APIs. With this article, I address that question but in a different form. Instead of a reading list, I decompose the last three years of my career and describe what I did and keep doing to learn about APIs being an API Platform Product Manager.

Summary of the "Requirements & API" webinars for IIBA Belarus


Following a theoretical Part 1, I was glad to talk about more practical API-related things and ways they can be designed.

While preparing for the webinar, I expanded my knowledge of the FastAPI Python framework to design mocks. Some of them were not only displaying docs in Swagger UI but also worked kind of. My overall purpose was not only to talk about APIs from the Business Analysis perspective but to show them.

09.11.2023 Webinar "Requirements & API. Part 2" for IIBA Belarus

Following a theoretical Part 1 of the "Requirements & API" webinar, the second part will come on November 9 at 18:00 (GMT+2). Here is a LinkedIn event with a Zoom link.

We will dive into API design-first, OpenAPI specification, and related tooling. Also, we will review a few practical cases and API patterns.

See you there!

As I mentioned, the entire webinar is based mainly on my API Design series, which I have worked on throughout this year.

I will publish the recording as soon as it is available.

Stay tuned!

Requirements & API. Part 1 (26/10/2023)


On October 26, 2023, I hosted a webinar for Business Analysts about API and the requirements specifics about that (announcement).

I was very excited about that opportunity. Even that part was based on my previous materials published here in my blog, and from the offline API workshop, I spent a lot of time polishing and re-structuring the content to fit a remote audience with different backgrounds.