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My New Medium Article for the Analyst's corner

I wanted to conclude the Replacing Legacy series with something less practical and more philosophical. Here are my thoughts on why we are at this point of rapid and sometimes senseless replacement or modernization. And what does the future bring us in the face of AI?

I did some research for the AI part and felt a lack of knowledge to read scientific papers. Like one about the CARGO algorithm, I mentioned in the article. I really tried, but I cannot fully understand the details. That is a considerable gap to be addressed.

I recently bought a course about Product Management in AI, but I am unsure how technical it is. I still don't know how to embed that course into my schedule.

Here is the entire series at the moment:

If you are a Medium user, I would appreciate your following me there. More exciting content is coming.

Now, I am focused on publishing the entire series on my blog in an edited format. I worked on writing all that for over six months and would love to rewrite it altogether. But I don't want to touch this text now. Through some time, I will.

Also, I plan to translate the series into Russian to publish on different BA resources. No more details - if that will work, you will soon find out.

Last, but not least, I am changing my publishing strategy. I will no longer post exclusive content on Medium like I did with the Replacing Legacy. A new article will be published simultaneously on my blog and Medium. I will promote a link to the blog on LinkedIn and Twitter (X, whatever).

The reason is simple: I don't want my content under a paywall like Medium. It doesn't make sense to me as I am not getting any money. Thus, the Medium audience continues getting posts there, as I have a few subscribers. Others can read the blog without mandatory sign-up.

Also, I am looking for another form of publishing. LinkedIn has become a shit show and trash can: serious content does not suit there. Maybe an email newsletter (but without news). However, I am unsure about duplicating content across blog, Medium, and email subscriptions.

Also, I created an account in BuyMeaCofee. Yes, I will try to monetize my writing. Books are freaking expensive.

That is how quickly an announcement about a Medium blog transforms into whining. Sorry about that. And thank you for reading.

Stay tuned and take care,
