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About My Writing Routine

Here is my writing routine: the way how I structure my research on various topics and then write an article.

It is not my usual type of content, but it might be helpful to someone. And yes, I need to fill the vacuum while working on two new writing pieces: a book review and a new topic.

Writing Tools

I use Obsidian as a knowledge base and content management. It is free, keeps your data in your hands, not in a vendor cloud, uses Markdown for formatting, and has a variety of great plugins. 

The latter is handy as my blog is also built with the MkDocs engine based on the Markdown format. So, I keep writing and editing in Markdown, which is very convenient. I don't particularly appreciate it when each tool tries to reinvent the wheel with its custom formatting, which is incompatible with anyone else. With Markdown files stored on my local machine and my cloud storage, I can quickly grab them and migrate them to another tool.

I use the Zettelkasten technique in Obsidian when I research something and need to document some information and my thoughts to reference it later. You can find a lot of information about this approach. I keep my notes connected with tags and internal references where possible. Obsidian provides a nice graph where I can filter out some notes and track references.

Once a year, I clean up by editing, merging, or even deleting some notes. So, I try to keep the number of my Markdown notes from spreading. You can see a part of the notes graph in the attached image below.

Graph view